push-ups with legs open

 push-ups with legs open

Push-ups are a classic exercise that require no equipment and can be done almost anywhere. It works multiple muscles, including chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. His one push-up variation that people often try is to separate the legs. This modification has multiple benefits, but it's important to know how to do it properly to avoid injury.

Traditional push-ups have your feet close together and your hands shoulder-width apart. This position creates a stable base and is a position most people are familiar with. However, taking your feet apart during push-ups can make the exercise more difficult.

As you move your feet apart, the support base expands. This can make the exercise more difficult as you have to work harder to stabilize your body. It also attacks different muscles. With your feet further apart, you'll engage your glutes, hips, and inner thighs more than a traditional push-up. This variation is also useful if you have weak wrists or are recovering from a wrist injury.

To do a push-up with your feet apart, start in the same position as a traditional push-up. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Then move your feet to the sides so they are wider than your hips. Point your toes outward and keep your heels in line with your toes.

Lower your body to the floor, keeping your elbows close to your body. When your chest is slightly off the floor, return to the starting position. Repeat for as many reps as needed.

It's important to maintain proper form when doing push-ups with your feet apart. Engage your core and keep your hips level with the rest of your body. Don't let your hips sag or your buttocks float in the air. If you can't maintain proper form, it's better to do good form and fewer reps than bad form and more reps.

Push-ups with your feet apart are a great way to add variety to his workout routine and challenge his muscles in new ways. However, it's important to remember that this variation is more difficult than traditional push-ups. If you're unfamiliar with push-ups, or have an injury or illness, it's a good idea to consult your doctor before trying any new exercise.

In summary, keeping your feet apart during push-ups is an easy variation that can add an extra challenge to the exercise.It targets a variety of muscles and if you have weak wrists or are recovering from a wrist injury. Maintain proper form to prevent injury and get the most out of this variation. 


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